My Story


Why Sandy Mammoth?

My goal was to come up with a name that still connected to me in some way but one that also made people question it and look into what content this business produced. I’m a huge beach lover hence the term ‘Sandy’. Not much else I can say about that, I’ve always lived near the beach so the salt water has always had a massive role in my life. I also have a soft spot for WA’s South West region, with an average of 7 visits per year, I couldn’t stop myself from bringing the region to my name. Margaret River and surrounding areas as you know are home to several amazing caves, one of which is called the ‘Mammoth’ Cave. So by combining my love for the ocean and of the South West region, I have created a name that means a lot to me but quirky enough to make people stop and think.

About Me

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I’m an Australian Travel Photographer based in Perth. Photography is a pure passion for me – I’m captivated by it, not like a hobby, like something you’re infatuated with. I’ve always enjoyed the outdoors and strived to not have a career that meant sitting behind a desk all day. Travelling for me is a way of life, I always like to keep moving, exploring new places and trying new things!

As a travel photographer, it brings me great pleasure to showcase what this world has to offer. My print gallery consists of my finest aerial & landscape photography from Western Australia and other parts of the globe. Perth’s amazing coastline has played a major role in my life and a significant part in my photographic career. I am constantly watching the sky in hope of something magical happening! Capturing an amazing location when all the elements come together, makes for the perfect moment, a moment that can never be repeated.

- Riley